Shareholder Inndulgence Card
The Shareholder Inndulgence Card entitles the bearer to a 15% discount on food and drinks in any of our managed pubs and hotels including Bel & The Dragon and Cotswold Inns & Hotels. It also offers a 15% discount on the Best Flexible Rate or Standard Flexible B&B Rate for Beautiful Bedrooms by Fuller’s and Bel & The Dragon accommodation. There is currently no accommodation discount available with the Shareholder Inndulgence Card at any of the Cotswold Inns & Hotel sites.
We are excited to advise that the Shareholder Inndulgence card discount will soon be available in Lovely Pubs, the seven new pubs in Warwickshire that we purchased on 6 August 2024. Before that can happen, we need to integrate IT systems and we expect the Inndulgence scheme to be fully operational in all sites within the next few months. Please check our website regularly for further updates.
Shareholders holding in certificated form who are eligible are sent a personalised Inndulgence Card to their registered address in January each year (unless they are already in possession of a card and continue to be eligible) or on request to the Company Secretary at other times in the year. Shareholders holding via an intermediary will need to either request the card via their intermediary or provide evidence of their holding to the Company Secretariat.
From 1 April 2022, the new eligibility criteria for a Shareholder Inndulgence Card is that individuals must hold at least 1,000 A or C ordinary shares or 10,000 B ordinary shares.
If you think you may be eligible and would like to request a card, please contact the Company Secretariat on 020 8996 2105 or [email protected].
You can use your Inndulgence Card for food and drink in any Fuller's managed pubs, Bel & The Dragon or Cotswold Inns & Hotels. The accommodation discount only applies for Beautiful Bedrooms by Fuller’s or at Bel & The Dragon.
For full terms and conditions, click here.